Meckenzie Warrington

Meckenzie Warrington

Drug & Alcohol Counselor/Therapist, I.C.A.D.C
199 Upper Canada Drive
Toronto, Canada

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Family/Marital Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Interpersonal, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Relational Therapy
Age Focus:
Seniors, Teenagers, Adults
Treatment Modality:
Couples, Individuals, Families, Groups
Any Ethnicity
Sexual Orientation:
Any Orientation
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“it is beautiful and messy, and the world wouldn't be the same without you”
About My Work
“I aspire to help those, just like those who have helped me. If I can contribute to being someones change agent, then I have done what is near and dear to my heart- helping others. It is important for me to connect with the individuals I work with, to build positive relationships, work through difficult situations and help create a brighter future. This comes from meeting with each individual at their level, exploring their unique history, and really listening to what that individual wants; while challenging them to grow and be open to new possibilities.”
My Story
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Years in Practice: 9 Years

Remote Therapy

Phone Counseling: Yes
Online Counseling: Yes
Technologies: Skype

Please use the contact form on this page to find out more about the provider's remote therapy options

Cost & Payment Modalities

Avg Cost (session): $80 - $119
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Online Payments accepted: Yes

Please verify costs and payment modalities before you arrange your first visit