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We tend to associate bullying with the behavior of children and not adults, but the same dynamics from social circles in middle school and high school are perpetuated amongst a high percentage of adults. Overcoming bullying requires both internal and external changes.

Playground bullies grow up and sometimes become workplace tyrants. If you’re the victim of bullying at work you need to make it stop, before your health, well being and career potential is adversely affected. Learn more about how to recognize both overt and covert forms of bullying and learn how to handle a workplace bully to make the harassment stop.

It used to be that bullying stopped after school – and once kids and teens were safely home, they could have at least some respite from the harassment endured during the day. Unfortunately, in today’s 24/7 connected society, bully victims get no relief as their tormenters continue the attack around the clock through tactics such as vicious emails, the distribution of unflattering photos or videos, online gossip spreading and many others.

Relational bullies use our needs for acceptance and friendship against us as they manipulate and harm our social relationships. The victims of relational bullies may never come home battered and bruised, but the pain of being the victim nasty gossip and rumors or social exclusion is just as real and just as harmful. Relational bullying peaks during middle school and its perpetrators and victims are usually girls, and unfortunately - most of the time, the bullies get away with and adults never even learn about it. Learn more about relational bullying and about what you can do to make sure your child never becomes a victim.

Bullying is learned behavior and it can be learned in the home. Here’s how to help your child reject violence and unhealthy aggression.

Bullying is serious and harmful and unfortunately all too common. Is your child a victim of bullying at school? If you answered with a no; are you absolutely sure that you’re right? Learn about the warning signs of bullying and be ready to spot it and intervene early when necessary.

Bullying is common, but it’s not harmless; in fact, children who get bullied can experience consequences like depression, social anxiety or low self esteem that can last all the way into adulthood. If you or someone you love is getting bullied, you need to make it stop. Read on to learn 9 proven ways to deal with bullies.

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  • The Myth of the 'Low Self Esteem Bully': Research shows that rather than having low self esteem, most bullies have higher than average self esteem and a higher than average number of friends - and bully as a way to improve social standing.
  • The Importance of Empathy: One of the best ways to reduce the odds of raising a bully is to work hard at instilling empathy
  • Bystanders: Although bystanders don't appear to play much a role in a bullying act, the 'audience' is much more involved than they may appear - and when bystanders choose to act against bullying - the aggression almost always stops
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