William Anderson

William Anderson

Counselor/Therapist, MA, LMHC


William A. Anderson, MA, LMHC, PA
2750 Bahia Vista St., Suite 209
Sarasota, FL, USA 34239

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Psychodynamic, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Humanistic, Family Systems Therapy, Interpersonal, Other, Transpersonal
Age Focus:
Compulsive Disorders, Life Coaching, Addiction or Substance Abuse, Other, Impulse Control Disorders, Eating Disorders, Depression
Treatment Modality:
Any Ethnicity
Sexual Orientation:
Any Orientation
Religious Beliefs:
Other Spiritual or Religious Affiliations, Any Religion
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“Life is worth living because you can do something good with it. ”
About My Work
“My professional mission has a focus of helping the individual conquer their overweight and obesity problem, and helping the world reverse the obesity epidemic. I am uniquely qualified in this field because of my professional training and experience in counseling, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy, but more so because of my personal experience. I suffered 25 years of chronic obesity and weight loss failure, and then discovered the solution, Therapeutic Psychogenics, finally losing 140 lbs. permanently, and have maintained my ideal body weight and excellent health easily since 1985. I have been training others in these successful methods and writing about them for over 25 years.”
My Story
“I’m a licensed psychotherapist who grew up overweight and obese, the fattest kid in school as a child and over 320 lbs. as an adult. After twenty-five years of failing at diets and exercise, I discovered a unique method for permanent weight loss based on principles I studied in psychotherapy and addictions. I call these techniques Therapeutic Psychogenics, and I call my program The Anderson Method. I’ve helped thousands to succeed with weight control with my program, I now train other therapists in these methods, and I’ve written a book about it, also called The Anderson Method. I have a private practice in Sarasota, Florida, and a website, you guessed it, www.TheAndersonMethod.com .”
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Years in Practice: 20+ Years
Graduated from: University of South Florida Graduate School of Education
Year Graduated: 1998
Licensed?: Yes
License issued in: Florida
License Nr.: MH7773
License Expiry: Mar 2019

Remote Therapy

Phone Counseling: Yes
More Info: www.TheAnderson...

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Cost & Payment Modalities

Avg Cost (session): greater than $150
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes

Please verify costs and payment modalities before you arrange your first visit